Trellis and Cages
Trellis and Cages
All of the prices below are for items made in smooth, 12mm diameter steel. For other sizes, finishes and diameters please just ask.

Closed Trellis
H200 xW200cm £225

Open Trellis
H200 xW200cm £245

Fan Trellis
H200 xW125cm £215

Half-Round Cage Support
H150 xW45 xD23 cm £155

Open Top Rose Cage
Tall H250 xD50 -65cm £275
Tall Narrow H250 xD40 -55cm £205
Regular H200 x D50 -65cm £200
Reg Narrow H200 xD40 -55cm £180

Closed Top Rose Cage
Tall H250 xD45cm £275
Medium H200 xD45cm £225
Short H150 xD45cm £175

Lobster Pots
Tall H120 xD70cm £185
Small H75 xD50cm £160

Step-Over 3 Pole (regular)
H120cm xW200cm £90

Step-Over 2 Pole
H120cm xW200cm £80

Step-Over 1 Pole
H600cm xW200cm £60

Step-Over 3 Pole (taller)
H150cm xW200cm £95

Cages - without netting
Vegetable H120 xW130 xL300cm £495
Fruit H180 xW200 xL300cm £695